As the volunteer Social Media and Digital Marketing Manager, Kimberly Griffin manages the multi-communications platform for LPM. A University of North Texas graduate. Kimberly has an extensive business background with over 10 years experience in the retail sector, the majority of her career at major corporations such as J.C. Penny and Pier 1 Imports. Her expertise and proficiency include inventory planning and control, merchandising, as well as e-commerce and social media. Utilizing the critical communication skills developed through her years of experience in the corporate world, Kimberly appreciates the opportunity to be of service to her community for LPM. Kim somehow makes time for sleep and a few hobbies, which include writing a foodie Friday blog on Facebook – her weekly tribute to her love of all things that are foodie fab including local food festivals, developing an exciting indie street wear business with her partner RJ, which keeps her fashion styling skills sharp, and of course time well spent with hubby RJ, family and friends. Contact Kimberly if you are interested in Donna Griffin, author, motivation speaker and activist as well as LPM Executive Director, coming to talk with your organization, for a media kit, or additional information on donating or services at LPM.